Join our FREE virtual online grocery tour here. Discover thousands of items at your local grocery store that are approved on the I AM Faithfully Fit weigh loss and lifestyle program.

Guaranteed weight loss. Hope has arrived. Get all access pass to the I AM Faithfully Fit lifestyle here. Daily support, accountability, and instruction. Thousands of food items and recipes.

Want amazing results, FAST?

I AM Faithfully Fit is considered a weight loss and wellness phenomenon. Why? I AM Faithfully Fit is an all encompassing program. Never has a program combined the tools, resources, support, and faith based aspects together in one package that insures results.

Everything you need comes from your local grocery store. With our easy to follow lifestyle you can get your life back now!

You will lose weight. I guarantee it!

My journey began as a 12 year old getting bullied because of my funny build. I went on my own first blood pressure medicine when I was 15 years of age. At 21, I got married and put on more than 100 pounds. At 29, I had two children that I should have been setting a healthy example for, but instead I was overweight and on multiple prescription medications. I had high blood pressure, acid reflux, high cholesterol, pre-diabetes, and was diagnosed with depression. My life was out of balance and my self-worth non-existent.

After a bad report from my doctor and Holy Spirit conviction falling on me, I decided to make a change. I turned the bible and to my faith. Coupling my new experience of grace with a life-long love of nutrition (I’d been dieting for more than a decade. Diets do not work. It’s one thing to know what to do, but another thing to do what you know.) I made necessary changes in my life. I documented a thorough set of daily disciplines that I made my lifestyle. The daily disciplines I began living with allowed me to adhere to a practical, sustainable and fun eating lifestyle that helped me lose 44 pounds in 6 weeks and more than 100 pounds in less than 6 months.

Years after successfully losing weight and keeping it off, I began helping others. In 2005, I moderated my first grocery tour. I’m so passionate about what I do that on lookers took notice and joined in the education and fun. After more than three years of FREE Grocery Tours, I launched a weight loss and wellness company called Thrive Weight Loss. It had massive success. Tens of thousands of lives would be changed by Thrive Weight Loss. After years of being involved with the business aspects of Thrive, it had become something I didn’t intend. Partners, licenses, profits, losses, and heartache almost destroyed me and the vision God had given me. I gave Thrive Weight Loss away and dealt with the unintended consequences that happen when one takes their eyes and heart off of God. The experience had changed me.

With renewed hope and vision, I repented and began trying to seek God’s will for my life. I found my soulmate and together we launched a weight loss, lifestyle, and wellness ministry called I AM Faithfully Fit. In our own weak way, we place Christ first. He alone is our partner and CEO. We encourage others to do the same. Without a relationship with Christ, there can be no long term success.

We teach our I AM Faithfully Fit family members how to live I AM Faithfully Fit one day at a time. We call our special brand of nutrition education, edutainment because it is fun and it is effective.

You will learn how to combine everyday foods in such a way that you target and remove unwanted body fat easily and permanently. You can have anything you can imagine as long as you learn our special way of combining these foods. By following our simple system, you will neutralize your blood sugar thereby shutting down the fat bus.

What is the FAT BUS? The FAT BUS is how your body stores FAT. Neutralize it and you lose the weight.

You can prepare any one of thousands recipes. You can eat at fast food restaurants, family-style restaurants, and even eat-on-the-go with ease and effectiveness.

No exercise is required in order to reach your PERFECT WEIGHT. You can exercise and accelerate your results, but when I get done helping, you learn these daily disciplines you will be eating- EXERCISE ON A PLATE.

So, what are you waiting for? Get started today with a FREE GROCERY TOUR. The tours are in person or held online for those outside of our I AM Faithfully Fit Weight Loss and Lifestyle Center reach.

Our online program is awesome. Daily support, accountability, recipes, food items, and much more. All with real time chat and assistance. You can attend the live broadcasted classes or watch the recordings at your leisure. Prepare to be blown away. I guarantee your success.

I look forward to helping you get your life back. Once you reach your perfect weight, we will bow our unworthy heads and give God the praise for it all.

Bless the name of the Lord at all times!

Warm Regards,

Travis Martin, Founder

PS - Don’t forget that everything you need comes from your local grocery store. You supply the willing and wanting heart, and we will do the rest.

Here's why I AM Faithfully Fit does work.

I AM Faithfully Fit works because it is more than a weight loss program. I AM Faithfully Fit is a lifestyle you can live with. We provide the tools, the support, a practical lifestyle, and a fun lifestyle. I AM Faithfully Fit is a behavior modification program that helps each person with a willing and wanting heart improve themselves daily. I AM Faithfully Fit can help you improve your physical, spiritual, and social life. Regardless of your lifestyle I AM Faithfully Fit has a path for you. Vegans no problem. Workout enthusiasts no problem. Busy professionals no problem. Foodies who like to prepare great recipes are no problem. On Planet I AM Faithfully Fit there is something for everyone. Everything comes from your local grocery too. We also celebrate success with one another and give God the glory for our success.