
I started learning the Shibboleth program in 2019 and I finally felt like I understood the way our body uses the food we eat… this motivated me to keep going. I lost down to my original goal weight in time for my 50th birthday! I’m so thankful that I found this program.
I pray this encourages someone today. I started with Shibboleth in January 2017 and lost 40 pounds. In 2018, my trachea collapsed with multiple collapses throughout my bronchi system resulting in a disease called Tracheabronchomalacia with Excessive Dynamic Airway Collapses. I already have only one functioning lung due to a rare lung disease which in turn has spread to my heart, liver, and one of my kidneys. After several years, lots of medications, and the inability to be very active, I gained 40 pounds back and then some! With the Lord’s help and the Shibboleth Lifestyle, I’ve lost 48.6 pounds. My goal is to drop a minimum of 35 more pounds, but I would love to drop 50 more pounds!🙌🏻 I say all of this to encourage you to just keep pressing forward. Whether your goal is 20 pounds, 50 pounds or 100 pounds, Shibboleth works! Commit to the process, learn as much as you can possibly learn, definitely lean on the Lord, and then lean on each of us here in this group. No question is silly, dumb or senseless. This is how we learn! What better way to learn than from the folks on the same journey you are!
I want to thank Travis Martin, the Shibboleth lifestyle, and God for helping me get back on the right track. I am diabetic. My morning sugar is always higher than 150 to 190 even on medication (doctors tell me I’m just weird). Today, February 03, 2024, for the first time in years my morning blood sugar was 127👍🎉. I give this credit to the way I’m eating with the Shibboleth lifestyle and to my GOD for giving me the power and wisdom to stay on track. Thank you, Travis. Your Shibboleth lifestyle does work!🙏👍👏😁
I don’t usually post here because I usually learn a lot more if I’m listening to someone else!😉 I just wanted to say how thankful I am for Shibboleth. I have been here since it was Thrive. I’ve fallen off the wagon way more than I want to admit. But once again at the end of 2022, I had some blood work return and was told I would need meds. I asked the doctor to give me 3 months. I just received my results and the doctor no longer advises me to take the meds! I’m not finished but even after just 3 months, Shibboleth works!🙌🏻
Having wonderful readings. Thanks Shibboleth. Last A1C was at 6.1 this is still considered a Diabetic. Dr. And I talked he wants to wait till next Blood work in 3 months and if 5 something we will come off of this. Only taking 0.25 has been cut back twice. Thanks Shibboleth. Saving my life .❤️
Starting my 6th week!! This is my before and after. I'm super excited because back in 2020 I was 277lbs. I've struggled with weight ever since I had my first child in 1995. A constant up and down. Now don't get me wrong. I love to exercise and I love eating right but I also love convenient food which always ends up being my downfall. A nurse for 23 years, mama and now a full-time housewife and homeschool mom along with a full-time music ministry. So I need a convenient menu. Plus I love to cook soooo that sometimes gets you in trouble lol But in 2020 at my highest weight, I ended up at the Er with multiple situations going on with my health. Possible Crohn's disease, inflammatory process, metabolic syndrome, enlarged liver stage at a 1 which leads to NASH, and I ended up on 4 blood pressure pills each twice a day. 😕 There's more but you get the picture. So I began on a total lifestyle change and my Gastroenterologist suggested I get my gut health under control and begin a low fat high fiber diet. So I did. I lost down 30 or so pounds. Came off all BP meds but one and metformin. Reversing the fatty liver. It's no longer staged. No signs of crohns at this time. Inflammatory in remission but I was stuck!!!! Couldn't get pass 245-250 and if I did oh my goodness I struggled then gave up and added back the 5 or 10 pounds. Back at my weight roller coaster. Tried ozempic and sheeeww that didn't agree with my body lol during this time still exercising though. Figured it was just the curse of my menopause 🤷🏼‍♀️ oh yea forgot to mention that!!! Anyway this year my friend Amber N Brian Campbell told me about shibboleth and I saw her and Matt N Jen Heiskell's results and thought why not? I'd been praying God to show me the next direction. Well, praise God I said yes!!! It's actually the very diet my Gi doctor suggested but explained and made so simple and convenient and I've been looking for these past 3 years!! I'm down to 231lbs ❤️🙌🙌 Don't tell me God doesn't direct our paths if we keep trying and seeking to do good. Just wanted to share my story in hopes to encourage somebody. 1 Corinthians 3:16 16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? Working on my temple ❤️❤️
Hey folks, just wanted to share with you all about my doctor's visit last Wednesday 2/8/23. For the last two years, my cholesterol has been elevated, which had me worried, but they said it wasn’t bad enough for medicine. I didn’t want to have to take meds anyways. Last year when I went, I had been doing Shibboleth for a month, and my cholesterol was 212 (about the same as it was in 2021 also). To be honest I got discouraged because I was hoping it’d went down since I was eating better. Fast forward to this year, I started back on the Shibboleth lifestyle Jan 6. I got my blood work letter Saturday and my cholesterol is 110 this year!!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 I was so excited to see that. Everything else was normal as well and always has been but I thank the Lord that my cholesterol came down. IT WORKS FOLKS, just keep the faith and keep at it.
10% is huge for me! So grateful the Lord led me to Shibboleth! I so appreciate the entire Shibby team, and all my new friends and partners on the road of life. To God be the glory!
It is my 1 year Shibboleth anniversary. I started this journey because I was getting sick, having panic attacks multiple times a week, had high blood pressure, was pre-diabetic, and had lost some mobility which caused me to be unable complete normal daily tasks. Two of my "whys" were, I wanted to feel better and I wanted to do more. This year I lost 85 lbs and my blood pressure and blood sugar are normal. I reclaimed my mobility. I climbed mountains. I completed a 5k. I traveled. I gained friendships. I gained faith and hope. Thank you to all those that have taught me, encouraged me, and battled with me. You know who you are. I am truly grateful to you. I can't wait to see what this next year brings.
For over 30 years I’ve tried to lose weight to no avail. The first photo is of me 6 years ago. The second is of me today, after losing 63 lbs in 8 months on Shibboleth. I feel so much better! I no longer have heartburn or hot flashes, and my body doesn’t hurt. I’m so much happier today and it all stems from the blessings of being introduced to this amazing lifestyle. Thank you, Travis and Sasha Martin, and everyone else helping guide me through this journey. I appreciate everything you do. God bless!!!
When I checked my blood sugar, it would be around 400 which put my A1C around 15.6. When I went to the doctor today, my A1C was 5.6, I am down 60 lbs, and feeling great! I praise my Jesus, I thank my Bride, Travis, Sasha, and the Shibboleth team for all of the amazing support! May God bless all of you!!
I went to the doctor for my 6-month blood work. I was shocked at my numbers. Everything was perfect. My triglycerides went from 251 to 77, my A1C went from 8.0 to 6.0, and my blood pressure was normal. My doctor was happy! It’s amazing what weight loss can do for your body. Now I'm off all my meds except for 2. I’m so happy that my journey has led me to a healthier life. I’m still under my goal weight and maintaining it well. Thank you Shibboleth for changing my life. Work Hard and you will achieve your goals. I did.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… I am in the best physical shape that I’ve been in in the last 25 years. I took my blood pressure this morning before running and it was 120/83. I ran 8 miles and 2 more miles to the car. A few weeks ago, I got my blood test results back from my doctor and my sodium and cholesterol (which I continually had problems with) were the lowest I can ever remember! Shibboleth not only helped Kim Daniels Day and myself lose a lot of weight, but it also made us a lot healthier!! Kim and I are striving to be the healthiest we can be. I know that our 50s are going to be the best decade yet!! THANK YOU, SHIBBOLETH!!!
I started Shibboleth on February 1st and reached my goal weight by November. I lost diabetes, rising cholesterol, plantar fasciitis, 63 pounds, fatigue, prescriptions, and more. I gained life, energy, and appreciation for the privilege of taking care of what God entrusted to me. I went to the doctor for a checkup last week and my labs remain normal and continue to improve even more. My A1C (blood sugar indicator) was normal and I'm maintaining my weight loss. I'm so thankful that DIEts are a thing of the past. I have found a lifestyle I can enjoy for the rest of my days.
It's Weigh-In Wednesday again!! I lost 4.6 lbs... even with a hog-trough Saturday night. Don't worry, I did a 36-hour fast afterward. Even better than the scale victory is going through jeans and making a super big pile of 18/20/22/24s for the yardsale and realizing that I can wear the size 14s I already had in the yardsale pile! I celebrated for a few minutes and then I just sat down and cried. It was a humbling moment and I realized that it is a miracle. I have received a miracle!! Bless the name of the Lord!! Some people die from being "morbidly obese" (my doctor's words, not mine), but not me!! I've lost 42 lbs in 3 months and am 21 lbs from my goal. My doctor said my blood test results came back perfect and I have cured myself of disease and keep up the good work! It's a miracle!! And I am ever so thankful for Shibboleth! #blessedbethenameofthelord
Day 76 of my journey and "I'm melting!" But unlike the Wicked Witch, for me, it's a good thing! I have struggled for so very very long. My weight and diabetes were out of control... The lowest weight I ever managed to get down to was 249 lbs with Keto. But even on Keto, my diabetes was not under control and Keto was not a sustainable lifestyle for me. ...Even after I fractured my knee with limited activity for 34 days, I continued to lose! You may not have 100+ pounds to shed as I do and may just want a healthier lifestyle... I cannot extol the benefits of Shibboleth enough! The support from the community and mentors cannot be matched.
I surrendered myself for 4 months! I committed to putting myself first and holding myself accountable by weighing myself every day, attending live classes, and applying everything I learned! I am proud of myself for loving myself enough to finally say I am important and it’s time I start treating myself as important! Keep going, everyone! Remember your worth and your importance! You are loved by our Father! You are IMPORTANT and you are worth it!
I am shocked at how big I was two years ago! I wasn’t even at my biggest! After a long separation from my sister due to COVID, she saw me and was shocked at my results. Thank you Shibboleth for helping me lose 46 lbs and 46 inches! It works people!
I just have to share a bit of good news. I had my yearly physical and my doctor was astonished at my lab work, blood pressure, and weight. I am down 49 pounds since my last visit. She wanted to learn all about Shilloboleth. She is going to start recommending this program to her patients. I feel like my new lifestyle has literally saved my life and added years so I can watch my grandbabies grow up!
When I found out I had type 2 diabetes, I decided it was time to get my butt in gear! I'm happy to report that in 3 months I lost 36 lbs with a total of 56 lbs! I am at my halfway point! At my 3 month checkup with my doctor, I was taken off of 2 of the 3 medications I take! I am excited about the weight loss, but I'm ecstatic with my new numbers! Time to keep going and hit that total goal!
I've lost a total of 30 pounds and 20 inches since June with Shibboleth! I'm feeling amazing! More energy, less fibromyalgia pain, less depression. Glory be to God! Hallelujah! Amen! Planning perfect days until Thanksgiving!
I’m so thankful the Lord led me to Shibboleth. ▪️I’m down 32 pounds. ▪️A1C down from 8 something to 6.2 and off two prescription meds for diabetes. ▪️Feeling so much better mentally and physically. ▪️Thankful for this privilege to work on self-discipline.
Saw my doctor for the first time since February. Blood pressure is PERFECT! Taken off of Lisinopril. BAD Cholesterol is DOWN 30 points!!! Lowest weight on the doctor's scales in the last 15+ Years!!! #6monthcheckup Psalm 37:4: Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
I felt the need to share some non-scale victories! 1. I haven't woken up sick to my stomach in over a week. 2. I haven't woken up with heartburn in the middle of the night in a week. 3. I haven't had to soak my legs before bed in 5 days (I was struggling with restless legs syndrome). 4. I haven't taken a nap or just fallen asleep on the couch in a week. Before if I sat for more than 10 mins, I was dosing. I know I am just starting this program... but I am feeling good!
I've struggled for about 4 to 5 years to lose weight. I got so discouraged and hated looking at myself in the mirror! But thanks to Shibboleth, in two months I've lost 16 pounds! This is huge for me!! ...I'm happy with my progress so far. I still have more to lose but wanted to let others know it works! If I can do it anyone can!!
I haven't been able to wear my wedding ring set for about a year. I'm down 37 pounds and I got to put my rings back on. Woohoo, thank you Jesus, and thank you Shibboleth!
I put on an XL shirt! I could just cry! It has a cute quilted state of TN on the back and I’ve always loved it, but haven’t been able to wear it for YEARS. It’s snug in the hips but it fits! Also...my wedding rings are loose, all my clothes are fitting much better and I’m able to wear some cute things again that I haven’t been able to wear in a while. I feel better, I sleep better, and I am living my best life!
Non-Scale Victory (NSV)!! I have lost 65 lbs and I finally got my rings resized! I went from a ring size 8.5 to 7.5 and honestly, they are still a little big. Thank you, Shibboleth!
My sister-in-love, Julie Harrell Ouzts started Shibboleth back in February and is almost to her goal weight. My mama-in-love, Faye Harrell started 5 weeks ago and hit her 10% weight loss this morning and ordered her 10% t-shirt! My husband put on another suit he can’t wear anymore because he’s down over 20 lbs. I love doing Shibboleth with my family and seeing them find victory too!! God is good!! #shibbolethforHisglory
I never EVER thought that I could lose the weight that I’ve been carrying around for so long so fast! Shibboleth has been a lifesaver for me! Loving this lifestyle and loving myself for the first time in a very long time!! I give GOD all of the glory!!! Philippians 4:13 has been my “name it and claim it” verse since beginning this program. I have lost a total of 26 pounds since I started!!!